Diplecogaster roseioculus, a new species of clingfish (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from São Tomé Island, eastern Atlantic Ocean

Diplecogaster roseioculus, a new species of clingfish from São Tomé Island


  • Ronald Fricke
  • Peter Wirtz


clingfishes, taxonomy, morphology, distribution, identification key


The clingfish Diplecogaster roseioculus sp. nov. is described on the basis of a single specimen from São Tomé Island, eastern Atlantic Ocean. The species is small, not exceeding 16 mm total length; it is characterized by having 7 dorsal-fin rays, 7 anal-fin rays, 29 pectoral-fin rays, 17 caudal-fin rays; gill rakers on 3rd arch 12; head width 4.9 in SL; orbit diameter 3.0 in head length; snout short, bluntly rounded; disc length 5.2 in SL; disc with 2 rows of papillae in region A, 5 rows of papillae in region B, and 1 row of papillae in region C; lateral papillae in disc region A absent; anus closer to anal fin than disc; sides of body with 6 vertical bars. The new species is compared with the other species of the genus; a revised key to the species of the eastern Atlantic genus Diplecogaster is presented.





