Memoir of Founding Rector Prof. Dr. Şevket BÜYÜKHATIPOĞLU: Perseverance, Faith, and Finding the Way
Şevket Büyükhatipoğlu was born on November 17, 1949, in the Siverek district of Şanlıurfa. After completing primary school in Suruç district of Şanlıurfa, secondary school in Diyarbakır, and high school in Şanlıurfa, he graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Breeding and Breeding in September 1970. While working as a teacher at Tokat Horticultural Station and Agricultural Vocational High School, he went abroad in 1971 on a scholarship from the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education within the scope of Law No. 1416. Dr. Büyükhatipoğlu completed his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Agriculture of Georg-August University in Göttingen, Germany, and returned to Turkey in July 1977. He started to work as a Dr. Assistant at Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, on December 6, 1977. Dr. Büyükhatipoğlu, who also served as Deputy Director of the A.U. Faculty of Agriculture Research and Application Farm, was appointed as Associate Professor at Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) Sinop Fisheries School on September 24, 1984. During this period, he served as Assistant Director of Ondokuz Mayıs University Sinop School of Fisheries between 24.09.1984-18.09.1992; Assistant Director of ÖSYM Sinop Provincial Examination Directorate in 1987; ÖSYM Provincial Examination Directorate between 1988-1996; Dean of OMU Faculty of Fisheries between 18.09.1992-18.09.1998, Member of the Interuniversity Council between 1993-1997; Dean of OMU Faculty of Arts and Sciences between 25.08.2000-23.07.2007. Prof. Dr. Büyükhatipoğlu was appointed as the founding rector of Sinop University on July 23, 2007, and held this position until July 23, 2011.